About me

UX Researcher & Designer focused on measuring and shaping User Experience (UX) for software products.

Work Ethos and Approach

Welcome to my corner of the digital world, here you can find out more about my approach to work, engagement in the UX community, and fields of interest. It's impossible to cover all aspects on one page, but you can always reach out to me or read more in my CV at the bottom of the page.

Intersection of UX, Research, and Design

My journey began with a deep fascination for human-computer interactions and the way we behave with technology. I realized that by understanding how users engage with digital products, we can uncover valuable insights to help us balance UX with business goals.

Leveraging Data for UX Strategy

By employing research methodologies, analytics, and user feedback, I strive to provide objective data that sheds light on the effectiveness and efficiency of UX. My goal is to empower UXers and businesses with the knowledge and insights they need to make informed decisions and reduce reliance on subjective opinions or assumptions.

User-Centric Design with Psychology and Behavior

These two components I consider crucial in my work so far, I consistently apply principles from these disciplines to maximize intended outcomes in UX and design. Cognitive psychology helps me understand how a user perceives, remembers, pays attention, feels motivated, experiences emotions, and learns. Behavioral economics complements this with principles that drive users towards desired actions and behaviors.

Community Engagement & Leadership

I'm passionate about fostering a community where ideas flourish and expertise thrives. Collaborating with like-minded professionals enriches my journey and fuels the advancement of UX practices globally. For now, I'm assisting the local UX community UXSerbia by maintaining and growing it on Reddit, but I hope to do much more than that in the future.

The Learning Path in Dynamic Landscape

In today's dynamic information technology landscape, staying current is non-negotiable. My commitment to continuous learning revolves around embracing emerging technologies. I thrive on exploring new tools, frameworks, and methodologies, ensuring that my approach to UX, research, and design remains at the forefront of innovation. I'm currently learning Python to facilitate the gathering and analysis of large amounts of data. Additionally, I actively follow and partially engage in the field of Universal Basic Income (UBI).

Copyright ©2023 Jovan Marinkovic

Copyright ©2023 Jovan Marinkovic

Copyright ©2023 Jovan Marinkovic